8827 Portage Rd, Portage, MI 49002
(269) 324-1449
Austin Lake Chiropractic
Austin Lake Chiropractic

Mid Back Pain - Thoracic Neuritis

Thoracic neuritis is a condition characterized as pain between the shoulders, which sometimes radiates to the base of the neck. The pain can sometimes be so severe as to mimic symptoms of a heart attack. Causes of mid back pain include subluxation of thoracic vertebrae or articulating ribs, muscle sprain or strain, or a more serious condition such as visceral involvement of the internal thoracic organs.

Because there are many different causes of mid back pain it is recommended that you seek care for this condition from a qualified physician soon, and this could include your local chiropractor. If the cause were found to be from biomechanical instability, you would benefit from a chiropractic adjustment. If the cause were found to be anything other than biomechanical in nature, you would be referred to the appropriate physician.

Office Hours:

Mon: 8am - 6
Tues: Closed
Wed: 8am - 6
Thurs: 2pm - 5:30
Fri: 8am - 6

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