8827 Portage Rd, Portage, MI 49002
(269) 324-1449
Austin Lake Chiropractic
Austin Lake Chiropractic

The following are some of the more common skeletal conditions treated successfully with Chiropractic Adjustments in our office.

Neck Pain - Cervicalgia

Headache - Cephalalgia

Mid Back Pain - Thoracic Neuritis

Lower Back Pain - Lumbago



Numbness, Tingling in Hands and Feet - Paresthesia

Piriformis Syndrome

Office Hours:

Mon: 8am - 6
Tues: Closed
Wed: 8am - 6
Thurs: 2pm - 5:30
Fri: 8am - 6

Map to Austin Lake Chiropractic
Intake Form
Privacy Practices Document